
I’m Awilda!

Star Wars, vintage clothing, and sneaking into grad school: what on earth do these things have to do with Human Resources?

Come on in and have a seat, let’s talk about it for a minute. 

I need to start off by mentioning that HR can be difficult. There are painful and oftentimes, life-changing decisions that you will have to hand out to people on a regular basis. These decisions can haunt you and keep you awake at night if you let them. I believe HR professionals are stronger when they prioritize their mental health. This is where I like to integrate positive psychology into the mix.

I started HR Psych because I have this unrelenting urge to share all the experience I’ve acquired in the last 18 years working in and with Human Resources. Armed with a Bachelors degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and a Masters degree in Human Resource Management, I want to pass this knowledge on to you through three key pillars for success: Coaching, Consultation, and Education.

You could say HR is in my blood. 

My mother was active military when I was young, and she spent her nights working on her bachelor’s before eventually tackling her Masters in HR. I would tag along to her night classes, and I must’ve absorbed my passion from her, through osmosis or magic. You can choose. 

I’m here to flip the script on how people view HR and navigate difficult circumstances. I want to let people know:

It’s okay to do things differently. I’m a Star Wars-loving, vintage clothes-wearing, tattooed Latina professional, and look at me: I’ve become an HR machine! Not living life by the book can lead you down the road of exploration and discovery.

It’s ok to be challenged. I’m huge on personal growth, so when anyone comes to me and shakes things up, I use it as an opportunity to learn and flourish. Instead of peering down from my high horse, I’ll take a moment and ask: “what’s the chance for growth here?” I believe this question can make you a little bit better every day. 

One-size-fits all is dead. Being open to new ideas, opinions, and perspectives allows me to cater HR to you, not the other way around.

My friends, the days of stuffy and scary corporate HR are coming to an end, and I’m happy to be at the forefront of this culture shift. My goal is to continue to innovate and move the Human Resources Profession into the future! 

Hi Mom! Once upon a time I did kissy face pictures too!

Everyone works with a light saber on their desk right?

Follow my journey.